Curious about all the sizing requirements for Twitter these days?
It does get quite overwhelming, so today we pulled together Twitter background sizes and formats for you to get it all in one easy to digest spot. Please note, we have merged our site content to this blog, so you may have found this useful post there in the past.
Profile Photo
Ever heard of “first impression is the last impression”? We are sure you must have! The Twitter profile picture is a true depiction of this quote and it plays the role of an identification mark for you and your valuable business. The profile picture has dimensions: 400×400 and appears on your home page and on your followers’ Twitter stream whenever you post a Tweet. Please note that since this image represents your brand or just you as an individual, it should be of high quality.
Header Photo

A 1500X1500 is the best preferred header size.
A 1500 X 1500 is the best preferred header size for Twitter with the exception that a maximum 10MB file size is allowed. So for an image that appears on a wider area, you can go for an eye-catchy, an extremely creative image. If you are using it for your business promotion, then the header photo should feature your brand, logo and your tagline.
In-stream Photo
An in-stream image that’s usually posted has dimensions:440 x 220 pixels with the exceptions that a maximum of 5 MB file size is allowed for photos and for animated gifs, you can use 3 MB file size. However, it is important to note that upto four pictures can be posted along with the tweets. But every in-stream picture, an image links gets created and takes up the character space on Twitter.
Twitter Background Dimensions (2013)
Twitter’s new design template with background image dimensions
The size of the twitter background image is super important. It should be at least 1280 × 1024 pixels in size however larger is preferable.
Depending on the background and whether or not it can be nicely blended into a solid background color or not, best practice is use 1600×1200 and even 2048×1600 for some backgrounds. It’s not likely that folks with huge monitors stretch their browsers to fill the entire screen, but you never know.
Twitter Background Size
Try any of the following options
1280 X 1024
1600 X 1200
2048 X 1600
Twitter Background Size Upload Limit
Twitter Background Basic Layout
The Twitter page layout is offically divided into 3 major sections
Twitter Background Advanced Layout
Following image portrays the twitter background size in depth.
Twitter has released an updated design for the profile pages, featuring a big bold and beautiful background image which looks pretty much like other social media pages.
What is the new twitter background resolution for 2014?
Twitter recommends 1200×1024 and larger, but it will resize any uploaded image. best practice is design 2 to 3 variations and upload them to check.
In the image above you can find any information you need to create a stunning background photo.
How to upload a Twitter Background Image
Following are the steps guiding you to upload a twitter background image in an instant.
Twitter Header, Cover, Background Blue Print for 2014
Don’t forget to check out also our full social media section.
Want Even More?
Enjoyed reading this article? Read about image sizing for Facebook.