Turning 33 – Focused, Determined, & Family-Man to be

In family friends by Michael Michelini8 Comments

simple birthdayNo big birthday party this year – I’m maturing. I’m focused. I’m executing. I see a path. I have great friends who support me, and give me great advice when I’m in need. I may be under some of the greatest stress I’ve ever been – but good friends are stepping up giving me amazing ideas and straight feedback for my business and my life. And I’ve been all open ears.

The last year was an amazing ride – marriage to a strong and supportive wife, baby on the way, and a developing business Social Agent.

33 years old, I’ll be a father 2 months in. Standing my ground and staying in Asia. Staying determined that Social Agent is a viable business and taking some harsh feedback that it is too complicated and takes too long to understand.

I’ll further simplify, in life and in business.

I’ve been receiving great birthday wishes from friends around the world, in various languages even! A couple of my favorite:

Subject: Happy Birthday
From: Richard Widdicombe
Date: April 2, 2014 8:04 PM

Happy Birthday Michael!
World Traveler, husband, father, businessman and adventurer.
All the best,



Casey Lau‎ to Michael Michelini
6 hrs ·
Hong Kong, Hong Kong ·
Happy Birthday King of Hustlers!


Living the life I want to be, no regrets.

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  1. Happy birthday! I’m really sorry I couldn’t make it to your event and celebration on Tuesday evening! 33 is going to be an amazing year for you, I’m sure!!! All the best!!

    1. Thanks Larry!

      Just putting myself under too much unnecessary stress…. The team said the focus group was good even though it was just a few people we got good insights….

      Birthdays always put me under pressure that time is passing and i am under limited time

      Lets keep hustling and catch up soon!

  2. Happy Belated Birthday Mikey, hope you have a blast; looking forward to catch up with you guys soon!

      1. Will drop you a call when we’re back; we’ll arrive tentatively 18th. Chris and crew around?

        1. Well be here. Saw Dave last night and Chris in the morning….all still around hah

          18th is startup weekend in tencent!

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