(Our Loss, Your Gain) Need a Favor - Amazon Lost Our Shipment

(Our Loss, Your Gain) Need a Favor – Amazon Lost Our Shipment

In blog, business, e-commerce, vlog by Michael Michelini

As an ecommerce seller, there is never a dull moment. Over the years we have been through the good, the bad, and the ugly (aka ecommerce gladiator).

One of our newer brands, Plumepas, has taken a headshot right in the first round of the ecommerce gladiator battle, right at the kickoff to 2024 in early Jan this year.

Amazon logistics lost our first shipment to their USA warehouse!

Such a tough one to swallow- we had prepared Amazon vine reviewers, done PPC advertising (which seems not eligible for a refund), and pushed it out on various channels for a launch.

But no one could get the products! The orders were pending and many didn’t want to wait and canceled them (we understand!)

So we are sending in more products (we have some in another USA warehouse) to Amazon – and


We need to push this harder than before as it has a “black eye” of getting orders, pending for weeks, and cancellations.

But we just need to try our best and start over with these issues.


If you support this new product and brand and purchase it on Amazon – email me at mike@ globalfromasia .com your receipt of purchase and we will give you a special gift!

So grab this now.

Find the latest link to buy on Amazon here.

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