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Meet The Author
Michael Michelini is an American social media & e-commerce specialist based in China since late 2007, I’m passionate to help companies do business in China leveraging the power of social media and e-commerce. I host a weekly podcast GlobalFromAsia.com to help businesses understand how to do business in China and other parts of Asia. I love Sina weibo, Tencent wechat, and believe they are the most powerful tools for any company to unlock huge value in the Chinese market.
While I originally to source products for my e-commerce business – over the years I’ve transformed into working with Western companies market entry into China, as well as assisting Chinese entrepreneurs reach their goals & take chances to build their own business helping facilitate Startup Weekends all over China.

"Life is too short to talk about what you'll do some day. Take action now, get out there - out of your comfort zone and make it happen. Coming out to China was a rollercoaster ride and adventure - somehow I'm still here and loving it. That first year was really rough though!"
Destination China

Interested to move to China and start your business? Maybe already here and looking for inspiration and an adventure to read. Destination China is a story about a transition from working on Wall Street in New York selling on eBay part time turned into quitting the day job a trip to China that was supposed to be 1 month and turned into seven years and counting!