Are you looking to increase your exposure on the world wide web?

The goals of the projects are,

– First page Google ranking for trophy keywords that will be identified in the keyword analysis.

– Optimize the entire site for optimal result in the major search engines.

– Develop and optimize additional online brand channels.

– Evaluate, optimize and develop client website.

– Develop and optimize a web blog.

– Develop and optimize landing pages.

– Develop and optimize satellite pages.

– Develop and implement an effective link building strategy

– Evaluate conversion of site and “call to actions” on page to reduce bounce rate.

– Produce an ROI from SEO dollars as organic site rankings increase.

– Brand credibility created by first page Google listing for trophy key words.

– Reduce/eliminate the need for PPC.

– Optimize and/or develop the clients SEM PPC campaign

– Reduce cost per lead and cost per customer.

– Implement proper site analytics and website optimizer

The project will consist of 6 sub projects,

1. Initial Setup & Planning

2. Evaluate and develop websites

3. Link Marketing

4. Search Engine Marketing and PPC

5. Social Media Campaigns

6. Ongoing

1) Initial Setup and Planning

– Keyword Analysis

– Domain Strategy

– Site Analysis

– Social Media Accounts,

– Configure SEO tools and Benchmarks

– Setup Analytics Account

– Create and Submit Sitemaps

2) Evaluate and develop website and pages

– Evaluate current site

– Develop and Implement Corporate Site

– Develop and Implement Blog Site

– Develop and Implement Satellite Sites (up to 2)

– Add Content (provided by client)

3) Link Marketing

– Develop and implement link strategy

– Write articles, client will write articles and team will optimize them

– Article Marketing

– Implement Zeus

– Directory submittal

– Blog submittal and comments

4) SEM Search Engine Marketing / PPC

– Develop and implement landing pages

– Landing Page Optimization (LPO)

– Develop PPC campaigns

– PPC Campaign Optimization (PCO)

5) Social Media Campaigns

– Develop and Optimize Twitter Pages

– Develop and Optimize Facebook Pages

– Optimize Blogs

– Identify Niche Industry Media sites

6) Ongoing

– Site Maintenance and Uptime

– Client Services

– SEO Consulting

– Reporting (Rank, Enquiries, Analytics)

Project Plan and Methodology

We will have a dedicated team of that work full time for this project and the customer can communicate with them directly.

Michael Michelini will be responsible for the outcome of the projects and will act as senior project SEO/SEM advisor.

We will implement different tools, script and codes to ensure a maximum result.

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