Try my best to give a shout out to all my friends, hope everyone can connect one day! and hey, if I didn’t put you here yet, contact me!

Matt Brennan – My friend Matt Brennan is great. He is the founder of a blog on Wechat marketing and China Tech. Also has been an event organizer like me with his Chat conference every year in Shanghai around September timeframe.

Marc Roca is the president and co-founder of Alpha Rock Capital. He is also a good friend of mine. He is a retired poker player who took his skills and applied them to investing and rolling up Amazon FBA companies.

Joyce Lee – 52edmw com Eat Drink, Man Woman – is a friend of mine who has a passion for selling romantic gifts in Shenzhen China.

Huck Leung – >fob l/c – my neighbor in hai wang building, friend, and owner of a Chinese logistics company.

Echo Zhang – Her Tao Bao Shop – Echo is a friend of mine, and a loyal blog reader! She started her own Tao Bao (like ebay in China) shop to sell her hand made jewelry! Very determined and hard working

Mark Zhang – Full Service Web Design – Mark is a friend of mine in China who has his own web design company. He has done a great job with Electrapour packaging design and other flash projects.

Charlotte Victoria Sluitman – charlotte v – My god daughter, already a webpro since the first week she was born! Maritess and Bas are updating the site and blog, facebook, until she’s old enough to do it on her own! Amazing realizing children now growing up with facebook and internet websites! Go Charlotte!

Gillian Muessigseo moz – Gillian and I met in the SEO SMX Event in Xiamen, China. She is a great “SEO mom” and has been giving me great advise, both on the internet and in business.

Billy Chasenbillys art – Billy and I met through Greg Schwartz, as they were friends from Michigan and roommates together in NYC. Bily and I have both become interested in internet and technology and entrepreneurship – rock on!

Alan Budhu – saw it online – Alan and I have had the same entrepreneurial passion, while he has been more real estate focused and I’ve been internet / corporate focused. He started Saw It online to help real estate agents show their listings all over the web!

Kent Dent (Chinese name: Deng Shao Wei) – Kent has been my internet marketing go-to guy in China. He works with me on many web projects and also has a passion for the Internet and SEO.

Kari HarjuSales Lion was born! We have been great business partners as well as friends! He has the same birthday as me, April 2nd!

Josh Griffiths

Greg Schwartz – Mobatech Cell Phone Software – Greg and I met during the new hire program at Deutsche Bank, and both had a passion for small business startups! Mobatech is dedicated to designing and developing cutting-edge mobile phone software. At Mobatech we focus on creating innovative lifestyle and personal productivity applications utilizing Java Micro Edition technology. We are committed to developing powerful, mobile software that our customers will find easy to use and that integrates seamlessly into their everyday lives.

Richard WiddicombeLibrary – Richard was an advisor of mine during the years at university. After more than 40 years of working at Stevens Institute of Technology, Richard Widdicombe has announced his plans for retirement from his job as Director of the S. C. Williams Library.

Andrew Reich – Intouch Quality – Andy and I work and party together in China – InTouch’s focus as a company is simple: function as your “eyes and ears” in Asia based factories and support you with product inspection, factory audit, lab testing and our general expertise in controlling the quality of your overseas manufactured goods.

Shawn Soole – theliquidrevolutionist .com The Liquid Revolutionist – Shawn I met during my time at New York Bar Store, he has a passion for the art of cocktail and has worked hard to build his own high end bar product label.

Andrew Grilli – Your Corner Store – China – Andrew I met during my first few months in China. He has a long history in China with product development and bar management. Currently opening a corner store nearby.

Andrew Moran – Andrew and I have been friends since we were 2 weeks difference in birth, born in the same hospital in Hartford, Connecticut. He is the more sensible of the two, keeping my ears to the ground.

Mike BellamyPassage Maker China – During my first trip in Hong Kong, I met Mike at a trade show. He has been a knowledgeable advisor to me during my settling in here in China. Fed up with middlemen & poorly run factories distorting pricing, failing to control quality and allowing intellectual property (IP) to be knocked off, so Mike decided to do something about it by forming PassageMaker. Think of PassageMaker as your “black box” and “quality gate” in China.

Silen Ren – .cn Foksy Fashion Accessories – I did an import / export order with Silen and we became great friends in China. She has a professional line of HOTFIX items, Fashion Garment Accessories and headware ornaments. The material is wide ranging, have all sorts of rhinestuds, civar beads, claw chain, rhinestone, and leather.

Alan Kaufman – Arkk Associates – Alan has been my startup business consultant and advisor since Pimp Guide book press. Even though that book didn’t make it off the ground, he and I have worked together on many projects.

Brenton Harris – pacifictigerintl .com Pacific Tiger International – Brent I met through my friend Vincent Acquista, and he and I have worked together on import / export projects. Currently running Pacific Tiger International, American company with a presence on Chinese soil. We assist small to medium-size businesses compete against larger competitors. We use reliable and transparent service to help our valued business partners find additional sources for existing products or by finding potential sources for new products.

Anita Bellamy – ansenjie .com Safe Passage – An Sen Jie – Anita is married to my friend Mike Bellamy, and she has a gift in selling and making people feel at home. She runs an operation helping foreigners sell products in China, called Safe Passage.

Ivan Ho – Top Notch Parters – Ivan is another good advisor in China for me, and a well known figure in the PCB industry worldwide. Top Notch Technology is a company assisting US and European companies connect with PCB companies in China and the rest of Asia.

Bas Sluitman – bassluitman .com Bas Sluitman – Bas and I have worked on many projects together here in China. With a common passion for the Internet, we’ve worked on projects such as Spyble and Sales Lion together and have a good time.

Scott KatinPhotos – Scott, my dependable hometown friend from Hartford, Connecticut! Always laid back and enjoys the good things in life…which sometimes I need to soak up and listen to.

David HoDave Ho Site – Dave is a dependable friend of mine who I met after he came to visit Ivan in China. Living near each other, we work on Spyble together, as well as various web projects.

Stephanie & Piotr Hordejuk – stephanieandpiotr .com Stephanie & Piotr – Piotr, friends from my Polish crew in Connecticut, got to know each other really well when I moved in with him in San Diego, California! We shoot emails back and forth, and I envy him for his true “california” laid back way of life.

Henry Kan, Cyril Kan, & Tom Chung – rayelec .com Ray Electronics – Henry, Cyril, and Tom operate a Hong Kong electronics manufacturing operation, specializing in electronic accessories and aftermarket consumer electronics.

Added a huge page on USA friends section

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