How much does a website cost?

Prices vary depending on what you’re looking for – the more features the site has the more complicated and time-consuming it is to build.

If you just need an online business card, we can offer a bespoke site, domain name and business email account for a few hundred pounds.

If you’re looking for something more advanced – a larger site, with e-commerce and an online editor, prices are naturally a little higher.

For other requirements and larger projects we can provide a quote – see the prices page for more details.

What’s involved in the process?

A lot goes in to building a website – but we aim to make the process as clear and straightforward as we can. Here’s a quick run through the four key steps that each site goes through:


We talk to you in detail about your new website. What does the site need to do? Who is the website for? What should it look like?


Based on your input, our designers put together a draft design for you. You tell us what you think, and we revise if need be.


Once you’re happy we build your new site, adding any content that you supply. We check, recheck and tweak until everything is pixel perfect.


We hand over to you and give you a demo of the site editor (if you’re using one). Once you’re happy with everything we launch the site. Hooray!

I’m not good with computers. Can you work with me?

Of course! It doesn’t matter if you’re an IT professional, a complete novice or somewhere in between. We pride ourselves on being great communicators – we’d much rather ditch the jargon and talk to you like a human being. Where things are unavoidably technical we’re happy to explain what we’re going on about.


Why shouldn’t I just have a cheap template website?

A lot of expertise goes into designing and building a bespoke website – and the end result is a lot more sophisticated and professional than something built using a template. The end result will be completely unique, attractive and customised to your own business’ requirements – if you need to add extra features then all you need to do is ask. We will also ensure that the site is well structured, easy to use and completely compatible across different mediums.

How long will my website take to create?

If something’s worth doing, it’s worth doing well. For time-sensitive projects we can affect a speedy turnaround, but usually sites take as long as they take. Having said that, we’re rather good at what we do, so without cutting corners we aim to get things up and running within a month (for small sites). Bigger sites will naturally take longer – if you have a deadline to meet then just let us know; we’ll do our best not to disappoint.

How do I get my site listed on Google?

Once we’ve launched your website we’ll submit you to Google (and the other search engines) to make sure you get added to the listings. Google is slow to update – for new websites this can take a few weeks.

Will my site work on mobile devices (iPhone, iPad)?

We build all our websites in the most common web format, HTML. This means that our sites can be viewed on any device that connects to the web. If you use extra media, such as photo galleries or video, then we will build these in a format that’s suitable for your website – but we always make sure that they are accessible to the greatest number of visitors.

We’re keen on using the latest modern technology in our websites and will always strive to make sure that everything we do is user-friendly, cutting-edge and appropriate to your project.

How much is a logo?

We can design bespoke logos for a very cheap price. We also offer branding packages which can include stationery design, business cards, email signatures, DVD covers, flyers – anything you can think of.

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