Looking to sell online? Currently have a store or a product, but want to get more exposure on the internet? I have been doing ecommerce since 2004 and have been involved with different platforms such as eBay, Amazon, and my own webshops – as well as in China via TaoBao and ecShop.

Don’t make the common mistakes as other beginners, there are issues such as merchant account gateways, shopping cart platforms, warehouse solutions, and customer service call centers that you need to get things on your feet right away.

So if you need help with deciding:

  • Merchant accounts
  • Shopping Cart Platforms
  • Warehouse / Fulfillment Centers – I have good relationships with ecommerce fulfillment centers in China as well as in USA. Also friends in UK and South America. I love international business, and it always needs quality fulfillment.
  • Customer Service Centers

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