Boy Scouts of America
I’m a proud boy scout – heck – Eagle Scout – and while I live on the other side of the world – in Thailand – I appreciate having this platform to grow up as a young adult.
I remember the choices I had as a boy growing up – after school – baseball (sports) or boy scouts. I think those were my main 2 choices, and while I did do both – I had more of a passion for Boy Scouts.
I guess I like to “Achieve” – to develop something. Earning rank advancements and merit badges was moving towards something. I was one of the youngest Eagle Scouts and I remember the board of review discussing I was too young. But they still passed me / approved me – because I had done all the requirements above and beyond.
It also was a closer bond to my father and I. He would encourage me to do my Boy Scout work to get the merit badges and move up the ranks. Of course on top of the school and homework.
I think that is what the Boy Scouts does for growing leaders. It gives you a framework to learn how to improve yourself and your skills.
So anyway, when I was reminiscing on the times in Hartford, Connecticut at Troop 105 I noticed the website was no longer online. Checking a domain registrar, I saw it totally available and not taken to.
So being an internet marketer and a workaholic took the project on over the New Years holiday in 2019 and built the site up.
Check it out, and it is my way of contributing to the Boy Scouts and TROOP 105 even from the other side of the globe. I hope to train the scouts to update the website so that they can better add the details, new events and other details.